501 Name Tags
How Everything You Need to Know About Business Can Be Learned at a Conference & Forgotten in the Trade Show
Dozens and dozens of keen observations, advice, and lessons learned from the world’s leading business and organizational leaders. One Book. 501 Name Tags.
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About The Book
In a book unlike any other, veteran business writer, editor, small business owner and mystery-chicken lunch-consumer Frank J. Diekmann has compiled 30 years of reporting on the very best strategies and insights shared by some of the world’s most successful business and organizational leaders, and then cleverly illustrated all of those lessons by also drawing upon the very best (but often the very worst) practices witnessed in attending more than 500 trade shows and exhibit halls. “501 Name Tags: How Everything You Need to Know About Business Can be Learned at a Conference and Forgotten in the Trade Show” is a penetrating, often funny examination of what makes for success, combining the shrewd and challenging management acumen shared by conference keynoters with the real-world examples offered by the 10×10 “stores” found in that microcosm of the marketplace, the exhibit hall. The result is a challenge to readers to really rethink many of their own approaches and assumptions.
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501 & Name Tags
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